
Media Audit

Media Audit

A media audit is a research tool that is used to determine where and how your organization has been covered before, as well as where and how the media are discussing your competitors and topics of expertise.

Package inclusions:
  • Traditional Media Auditing
  • Digital Media Auditing
  • Consulting and Performance Valuation
  • Sponsorship Valuation
Media Audit

Media Audit Services

Media Auditing, in its definition, specifies the process of determining if the media purchased by the client through its partners, vendors, or agencies. It shows all the details accurately and at a reasonable market price. More prominent brand advertisers generally use agency relationships for facilitating their creative production, advertising strategy, and media buying to the end publisher.

Hence, they hire media agencies either directly or indirectly, which is given the responsibility of booking, coordinating, and purchasing the correct supply of creative advertising material. A publisher could be YouTube, a TV station, a radio broadcast, paper, magazine, social media platform, a blog, and an online website.

What are the Types of Media Auditing?

There are four types of media auditing:

media audit
  • Media Agency Reviews and Benchmark Pool Auditing

This type of audit generally reviews a media agency's performance by way of a standard comparison benchmark method. The performance and also the cost of the media are compared against many industry benchmarks, or data media auditor has gathered via primary or secondary research methods.

A general picture using a sample data will quickly appear related to whether the client has received an adequate service in return for their expenditure.

Many times some self-appointed auditors or less experienced auditors are appointed. Hence they fail to provide a subjective and benchmark data inaccurate, unavailable or contain bias.

A portion of these media auditing companies may even be utilizing reviews as an approach to assemble clients who are later up-sold or strategically pitched in different administrations. This does not mean these media auditors are inaccurate or ineffective, however.

Better quality auditors will know about predisposition and opinionated thinking. They will utilize multiple tools and data sets. They will admit to tolerances and possible errors inside their reports. Others may even go to the difficulty of leading live tests and additionally riddle shopping research to loan higher honesty to their decisions.

This style of auditing is generally popular with the small and medium businesses community; it can also be combined with a contract compliance audit.

By way of value tracking method where the actual media prices are compared against the media agency prices that are quoted against the media agency pitch or plan proposal.

  • Contract Compliance Audit

This type of media audit can be said to be an official audit. Contractual compliance audits usually include the auditing of the contractual agreement and accurately check the delivery on their obligations. Its primary aim is to uncover the situations where they will be delivering and the areas where they are not.

This sort of media audit is generally an evidence-based review of the agreement between the two parties, i.e. the client and agency. This is to make clear that the agency has complied with the terms mentioned in the contract.

The auditor must have a grounding in contract law and also be a subject matter expert. Clients are always persuaded to talk to the agency and ask related questions to even considering hiring an auditor.

  • Financial or Statutory Auditing

This type of auditor will associate with the financial accountants. This type of audit is conducted at the financial year-end, this type of audit process includes investigating the financial statements of a company. These reports will be submitted to the shareholders to ensure people that have an accurate and fair view of what is actually going on in the company.

  • Click Fraud and Bot Auditing

We have incorporated this as a different area because of the practical idea of digital "click fraud" and various types of cutting edge bot frameworks which recreate human movement online so as to swell specific measurements. 

Some advanced promoting frameworks include extremely perplexing, specialized structures just as multifaceted nature inside the gracefully vertical. The utilization of bots is the same old thing; however, their complexity has expanded throughout the years, making it progressively hard to distinguish.

The more significant part of the fraud in these frameworks can be recognized by recruiting an automatic media master to audit by just running live tests. What many individuals neglect to comprehend about computerized media purchasing is that except if you're purchasing advanced media directly from the distributor, it's now and again done in a live offering sell-off condition. There are no fixed costs as the cost is intelligent of interest and flexibly at any one time. A very remarkable advanced media examiners' employment will focus on perceptibility, fraud, and brand security.

How Media Audits Differ for Different Sized Companies?

  • The expenditure made on media depends on the size and industry nature of the company. The expenditure made on media is usually the largest line-item in any marketing budget.
  • For small businesses, strict media expenditure can relatively below, but general marketing expenditure can form the highest cost to the company. Many small businesses benefit from an agency review and general strategy of their business or marketing.
  • For traditional advertising agencies, creative production costs and other labor costs can be high, but generally, it is far less than the media component.
  • For organizations that operate within highly competitive industries, generic consumer services retail banking, etc. media can be the single largest purchaser each year. It is outstripping other raw material and also operational production costs.
  • Corporate administration specifications for more prominent firms provide frequent investigations concerning any user details. This is for the purpose to ensure that company's funds are used in a proper way.
  • Most enormous promoters will routinely utilize media audits all the time. Regularly the CMO will be liable for responding to the common inquiry from the CFO/CEO, "What was the arrival on our advertising spend". Now and again, addressing this inquiry can be unpredictable, mainly when there are numerous suppliers engaged with the campaign execution process.
  • An irreconcilable situation emerges when an evaluator is relegated from a similar holding company group. An organization is appointed, who may seem separate regarding name, however, works inside a similar gathering of media organizations. Therefore, it's consistently significant that independent firms direct reviews. This is an acceptable business practice and will help lessen budgetary hazards.
  • Speculators will frequently require examination concerning any enormous proposed use things before submitting endorsement for the designation of assets. This tact is articulated during times of budgetary difficulty and saw chance is high.
  • When buying directly from the media provider, for example, Facebook, for instance, you are likewise dependent on information that the auditor supplies. An industry expert might require free confirmation.
  • We have about cases where huge promoters have enormous irreconcilable situations in their advertising administrations gracefully anchor with next to zero oversight in the consumption procedure once the record has been 'won'.

Benefits of Media Audit

The findings are used for providing additional information into the performance of the agency, and the relationship improves.

There is still confusion in the media industry around which the metrics are calculated and verified with figures. With specific media channels, there will be less capacity to provide accurate statistics and conclusions when compared with others. There have been numerous audit investigations with the coming of innovative arrangements that can give precise examples of information that can be utilized for projections. At the commencement of the audit process, we recommend our clients to work closely with one of our staff to set the scope of the investigation. From that point with regard to this scope, levels and areas are restricted, and the auditors will investigate the same.

With regard to auditor's methodologies, some discussion must be made regarding his work, and analyses must be provided regarding the same.

We at TAP GLOBAL will find positive outcomes, and when our reports are provided by way of feedback to the existing agency, they can have a chance before ending the relationship if needed.

What must be Done Before Hiring an Auditor for Media Audit?

Before assigning an auditor for media, audit starts with the following explained tasks:

Read the media agency contract

The contract must mention various rights while conducting an audit. You need to look for the following:

  • The name of the specific party that has entered into the contract.
  • Is the company a trading company or a holding company?
  • Look at the dispute resolution clause or mention the rights and process that is related to compliance auditing.
  • Any specific restriction is made to the auditor. Some contracts limit the auditors to particular entities rather than looking at which auditor is suitable.
  • The notice period must be looked in advance for the commenced work.

Speak with Your Media Agency

  • Many of the larger media agencies are familiar with audits, and their other clients shall submit compliance requests.
  • The media agency can give information regarding how they can perceive different auditing firms.
  • Make clear all the aspects of investigations at the beginning of the commencement of the audit.
  • The primary purpose of the media audit is to improve the working relationship to give productive.

Chose an Appropriate Auditor

  • The scope of work determines the appropriate contract to a large auditor or mid-small tier firms. It is recommended to partner with an independent firm for the best results. You can contact TAP GLOBAL as it has the best resources available to provide a media audit. TAP GLOBAL does not invest in media and ad tech business; hence you can entirely rely on our nature of work.
  • Some advertisers prefer expert advisory from an industry specialist. Often the complexity of the media area requires some amount of technical expertise and a deep understanding that is not present with the larger audit firms.
  • A collaborative mixture of firms is needed for the best results. For example, the financial audit of a well-settled accounting auditor that is mixed with the technical expertise from a boutique industry specialist and legal contract help.

How TAP GLOBAL Assists You in Media Audit?

  • We at TAP GLOBAL believe that it is essential to look at the audit process from an integral perspective.
  • We also check if the audit is necessary for internal compliance reasons.
  • We assure you that the current media suppliers are performing as expected.
  • We follow on all the works with regard to no malpractice is preventing the functioning of media agency in a specific direction.
  • Ultimately, we realize you want to make sure your external agencies are working optimally to deliver your marketing and business objectives while operating in a transparent manner.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The five steps in developing a media plan are as follows:

- Know Your Target Audience. There's no point in media buying if that media doesn't reach your target audience.

- Define Your Goals.

- Use Smart Tools for Media Planning.

- Determine the Perfect Media Mix.

- Execute Your Media Plan.

A media plan will include details such as specific media channels best for message delivery, the number of impressions, the cost per million clicks and creative development specifications.

The media objective is the goal of the media plan. To establish this objective, you must determine your purpose for reach, frequency, circulation, cost, and penetration. The scope is the amount of people the message is in front of over a period of time.

Media can be classified into four types:

- Print Media (Newspapers, Magazines)

- Broadcast Media (TV, Radio)

- Outdoor or Out of Home (OOH) Media.

- Internet.

Media messages can be understood by using four process skills: access, analyze, evaluate, and create. Many different media can provide you with information, including newspapers, magazines, books, television, radio, the Internet, and social media platforms.

The media planner works with clients to help them make decisions about how a particular media campaign will unfold. The media planner's primary focus is to coordinate the placement of their client's advertising copy into various media venues that maximize advertising reach toward the client's target audience.

A social media audit is a series of steps taken to evaluate and optimize a business's social media profiles and strategies. Performing a social media audit can help e-commerce businesses stay on top of their online presence.