
Digital Marketing

Tap Global can design a precise marketing campaign on digital media as we are a team of highly skilled & dedicated professionals.

Package inclusions:
  • Designing your digital media marketing campaign.
  • Implementing and optimizing the marketing campaign on a budget
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Overview of Digital Marketing

As millions of people are gaining access to the internet and engagement of the population with the electronic devices increases such as mobiles, laptops, the older means of advertisement of products is getting obsolete and heavy on pockets without reaping the best results and without reaching the sight of the targeted customers.

This problem gets resolved when professionals in the field of digital marketing are able to meet the needs of the clients to reach the customers with pin point accuracy and in ways that they are able to capture their attention via means of ads, blogs, videos etc. As a number of users are increasing on the internet, the companies which are involved in the marketing are gradually shifting their marketing campaigns to the digital space to make it competitive day by day.

In order to counter this competition, there is a strong need for new players to position themselves in the market where existing giants are pumping in huge amount of money to reach their customers. This can only be achieved with the help of a sound marketing campaign designed by a team of professionals. 

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of advertising the product, service, ideas, brand through a wide spectrum of digital space including social media platforms, email marketing, mobile marketing, influencers, appearing on search engine results, mobile applications etc.

Types of Digital Marketing

There can be various facets of Digital marketing depending on the type of product, industry, budget etc. Following are some of the most common types of digital marketing used to endorse products, services and even ideas.

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): This technique of digital marketing is done to boost your presence in coming at the top results of the searching platform. As the golden rule of marketing says 'you only buy what you see'; SEO helps to solve the very same problem in reflecting your presence at the top of search results which increases the chances of the person surfing to become your customer.
  2. Pay-Per-Click: This is a type of marketing where the marketing money is deducted from the account of the businessmen only when the link to the website is clicked by the person surfing on the search engine. This type of marketing is useful because it helps in optimizing marketing budget of the businessman he only pays for the service which is given to him.
  3. Email marketing: Email marketing is done by directly sending in advertisement to your customers email account in the form of a newsletter, a link etc. Simplest test to determine the success of email marketing campaign is one that lands in the inbox, gets viewed opened by the customer and the one which does not land up straight into the spam folder.
  4. Mobile marketing: Mobile is that one electronic device where people spend most of their time with. With increasing screen time and engagement with this device, it can be used as an effective tool to reach your customers directly via SMS, MMS or messaging apps. A successful mobile marketing campaign is one that is not only engaging but presenting opportunities to share with other people.
  5. Content marketing: content marketing is directed towards educating the customers and not straightaway selling them the product and service. A good content marketing campaign is one in which not just educates the customer but also generates trust. This trust generated will make the customer a loyal visitor to your content and may recommend others generating more organic leads to the website.
  6. Social media marketing: Social media campaign includes, but is not limited to, creating pages on multiple platforms. It also includes which is rather more important, engagement with the target audience and create such opportunities where the customer shares your content with his /her peers.
  7. Influencer marketing: The social media has also produced stars/ influencers in diverse genres having huge following. This following coupled with loyalties of these influencers can be harnessed by the companies to endorse their products and generate awareness about their products, services etc.
  8. Marketing automation: When software tools are used to automate marketing tasks and analyse the results of the marketing campaign on various platforms and finally show the return on investments. This can be used to determine which websites are working in order to achieve the results and what are streams of marketing which must not be used. This helps the client to optimize their budget.

Parameters of a successful digital marketing campaign

The parameters for a successful marketing campaign can vary from customer to customer. Some may equate it with conversions while others may equate it with build awareness. So following are some of the parameters through which the customers measure the success of their digital marketing campaigns.

  1. When the digital marketing campaign reaches beyond the endorsements floated and awareness is built, interaction is built with the customers, and certain recall value built around the product.
  2. When the same customers start acquiring more information through content marketing, then it can be safely said the marketing campaign has been successful.
  3. When an increase in search results occurs because of improvements in search engine optimization and more landings can be seen on the landing page.

How to improve your digital marketing campaign

  1. Know your audience: The client must know the segment of the population which it wants to target and then indulge in market segmentation of the same. The client must know the demographics of his target audience and then redirect the market strategy in that direction to optimize the marketing campaign.
  2. Effective measurement strategy: The client should always measure returns from the multiple channels and calculate the conversions generated through click through rate, customer acquisition cost, online conversion rates, lead conversion rates etc. And decide the metric reaping the best results.

In our opinion, it is a very important for an existing player not having presence on the digital space or a new entrant who wants to establish presence on the digital space to engage with a partner which provides a one stop solution in establishing your awareness among your target audience and save you from the troubles of engaging in tedious universe of digital marketing and allow you to focus your time never ending hassles of your business.

Tap Global can design a precise marketing campaign on digital media as we are a team of highly skilled & dedicated professionals.