
Extended Producer Responsibility

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$ 600/-
+ Govt. Fees

  • Application Submission to EPR authorization for Producer
  • Renewal of EPR authorization for Producer
  • Application to EPR authorization for Manufacturer
  • Renewal of EPR authorization for Manufacturer
  • Complete Documentation
Income Tax Notice

How can we help you for Extended Producer Responsibility?

Our services include the following:

  • Application to for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) authorization in India for Producer
  • Renewal of EPR authorization for Producer
  • Application to for EPR authorization for Manufacturer
  • Renewal of EPR authorization for Manufacturer
  • Prepare the complete set of corporate document
  • Providing any kind of guidance formats, problem-solving regarding EPR authorization.

How do we work for you?

Although we work much more than this, to the brief we shall initiate your assignment in the following manner for EPR registration:

  • Once you post the query, we will get in touch with you.
  • Thereafter, we will collect the necessary information and documents from you for the purpose of EPR registration.
  • Order booking will be done.
  • You can make the payment through any of the following modes;
  1. Bank Transfer- NEFT/IMPS
  2. M Swipe (Credit/Debit Card)
  3. Paytm or Razorpay
  • Thereafter we will review the information, documents submitted and shall proceed for the assignment. We shall keep you in the loop at every step and shall be available at your service all the time.

Procedure for Seeking Grant of Extended Producer Responsibility Authorization and Registration for Handling E-Wastes

EPR-Authorization Process: (FOR PRODUCERS)

  • Step-1: In case you are a producer, check the electronic equipment list in schedule-I. If you are engaged in producing the electrical and electronic equipment mentioned in the list, proceed for the Extended Producer Responsibility authorization procedure.
  • Step-2: The producer shall make an application in Form I, for the grant of Extended Producer Responsibility authorization. The application must be made within a period of three months starting from the date of commencement of these rules to State Pollution Control Board when you are selling the product in one state and to the Central Pollution Control Board when you are selling the product in more than one state.
  • Step-3: Once the receipt of the application by the respective board, it shall be scrutinized and if found complete in all respects shall be proceeded further or otherwise shall raise inquiry, thereafter on being satisfied that the producer has an effective system to manage Extended Producer Responsibility in the country, shall recommend granting Extended Producer Responsibility authorization by Central Pollution Control Board.
    The authorization is provided in Form-1(aa) within a period of one hundred and twenty days.
    The evaluating committee is basically constituted by the Central Pollution Control Board with the representative members of State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees. Such Committee is constituted after evaluating the State-specific EPR Plan.

The validity of the EPR authorization

The EPR-Authorization shall be valid initially for a period of five years.

  • Step-4: In cases where the Central Pollution Control Board or State Pollution Control Board, as the case may be has refused to grant Extended Producer Responsibility authorization, they can do so only after giving the reasonable opportunity of being heard to the applicant.
  • Step-5: The Central Pollution Control Board after the grant of Extended Producer Responsibility authorization shall forward the State-specific Extended Producer Responsibility Plan to the respective State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees so that the implementation of the same shall be initiated.

Renewal of EPR Authorization: (FOR PRODUCERS)

  • Form-1 is required to be filled for the purpose of an application for the renewal of EPR-Authorization.
  • The application must be made in before sixty days of its expiry.
  • The renewing of the authorization is done only after examining every case on the merit and on the issuance of the compliance report by the concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committees.
  • The renewed application is given subject to the fact there is no report of a violation of the provisions of the Act or the rules and the conditions specified in the Extended Producer Responsibility authorization.
  • A register is required to be maintained by the State Pollution Control Board in case of a respective State or the Pollution Control Committee containing the particulars of the conditions imposed under Extended Producer Responsibility authorization. These conditions are basically imposed for the environmentally sound management of e-waste. It monitors the compliance of Extended Producer Responsibility authorization. It also takes the cognizance of any non-compliance and also informs the Central Pollution Control Board about the action taken;

EPR-Authorization Process: (FOR Manufacturer)

The process for the EPR-Authorization is same as that for the producer with minute changes as given below:

  • The manufacturer shall make an application in Form 1(a) to the State Pollution Control Board or the Pollution Control Committee for grant of authorization
  • Grant is provided within a period of ninety days an authorization in Form-1(bb) to the applicant to carry out safe operations in the authorized place only, which shall be valid for a period of five years;
  • In Form 2 such persons involved are required to prepare and submit to the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee,
  • An annual return in Form 3 containing the details specified shall be submitted on or before the 30th day of June in the following the financial year to which that return relates;

Renewal of EPR Authorization: (FOR Manufacturer)

Renewal procedure is also the same as that of the producer. The manufacturer must take all steps to comply with the conditions specified in the Extended Producer Responsibility authorization in India;

What Is The Procedure For Registration With State Pollution Control Board?

Procedure for grant of registration is as follows:

  • Every Dismantler or Recycler of e-waste shall make an application in Form-4 in triplicate to the State Pollution Control Board within a period of three months starting from the date of commencement of these rules.
  • The Application must be accompanied with a copy of the following documents for the grant or renewal of registration:
  • The consent to establish which is granted by the State Pollution Control Board under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981;
  • Certificate of registration which is issued by the District Industries Centre (DIC)
  • All such proof of the installed capacity of plant and machinery issued by the District Industries Centre


An application for the purpose of renewal of registration shall be made in Form - 4 before sixty days of its expiry.

For the purpose of renewal the following documents are required to be submitted:

  • The certificate of compliance of effluent and emission standards,
  • The certificate  treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes as applicable from the State Pollution Control Board or Committee of the Union territories or any other agency designated for this purpose:
  • Note that such persons registered prior to the date of coming into force of these rules ,under the provisions of the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Tran boundary Movements) Rules, 2008, and the e-waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 shall not be required to make an application for registration till the period of expiry of such registration:
  • Note that the registration granted in above-stated rules is valid initially for a period of two years. Thereafter it is allowed for a period of maximum five years on subsequent renewals from the date of its issue, till the operation is discontinued by the unit or the registration suspended or canceled by the State Pollution Control Board.
  • The State Pollution Control Board has the power to refuse, grant, renew it after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the applicant.

FAQ's on Extended Producer Responsibility

These rules shall apply to the following:

1. every manufacturer,
2. producer,
3. consumer,
4. bulk consumer,
5. collection centers,
6. dealers,
7. refurbishes,
8. dismantler and recycler involved in whatsoever form related to the processing of e-waste or electrical
9. Such persons who are involved in the electronic equipment (EEE) listed in Schedule 1, including their components, consumables and spare parts which make the product operational.

a. Batteries as covered under the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001.
b. Radioactive wastes as covered under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962) and rules made thereunder.

The duties and responsibilities of CPCB are as given below:
1. Extended Producer Responsibility authorization - Grant and Renewal
2. Website information maintenance on Extended Producer Responsibility authorization
3. Target setting for a collection of e-waste
4. Incidences wherein the coordination with State Pollution Control Boards or Committees of Union territories
5. Preparation of Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of e-waste
6. Conduction of the assessment of e-waste generation and processing
7. Recommendation of the standards and specifications for processing and recycling e-waste
8. Such actions to be taken against violation of these rules
9. Conduction of the training and awareness programmed
10. Submit of the Annual Report before the Ministry
11. Such functions delegated by the Ministry under these rules
12. It also looks into the enforcement of provisions pertaining to the reduction in the use of hazardous substances in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment
13. Initiatives to reduce the hazardous substances,
14. Incentives and certification for green design or products

The duties and responsibilities of SPCB and committees of union territories are as given below:
1. E-waste Inventorization.
2. Grant and renewal of manufacturer's Authorization
3. Dismantlers or recyclers of e-waste registration
4. Monitoring compliance of EPR-Authorization
5. Maintain information on the conditions imposed for Extended Producer Responsibility authorization
6. Implementation of programmers with regard to encouraging environmentally sound recycling.
7. Action to be taken against violations of these rules
8. Any other function as and when delegated by the Ministry under these rules

The duties and responsibilities of Urban Local Bodies (Municipal Committee or Council or Corporation) are as follows:
1. They ensure that the e-waste is segregated, collected and is channelized when found to be mixed with Municipal Solid Waste to either authorized collection center or dismantler or recycler.
2. It shall also ensure that e-waste pertaining to orphan products is properly, collected and channelized to either authorized collection center or dismantler or recycler.

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